Well for the past few days I have enjoyed myself meeting with my best friend, Shelly, to have lunch. Although we found the excuse of a business matter to mark the occasion and oh yea, her birthday, I found myself more relaxed than I have been in such a long time. It was almost like everything was arranged for us,,a small quiet country cafe, very few people, and good food. We sat quietly together talking about anything and everything and oh might I add everyone... There was no music just quietness and every once in a while we could hear a crash from the kitchen area, hoping no one got hurt. Not realizing the time, it just flew, we had spent 2 hours sitting there. I'm sure her work wondered where she was.
I am so thankful for these times and it makes me realize just how great life is and how much more of the same needs to be done. Making time is so hard for everyone these days as we fill our life with so much to do list only to leave us wondering where did the time go? We only realize how much we have wasted when it is too late. I have a wonderful family and even tho very distant at this time I plan to work on that. I miss my sister so much even if I don't agree on her ways..I'm sure she doesn't mine as well. I still hold the memory of her spending the night with me when the chemo had me so down. She said it was to let the others rest but I felt so much love from her and the encouragement for me to fight, she would tell me "I am not going to let you give up,,you fight this." As I laid so sick, I remember waking up and turning to see if someone was with me, the light still on way up into the morning, she sat drinking a glass of tea and reading her book. I don't think we spoke but just looked at one another..I knew she loved me and still does but with her pride in the way so much time has been loss, time we could have had fun and shared. I do forgive her but hope she can deal with all she has done..
I guess my great time with my bestie also made me think of what I am missing with my younger sister...I love ya sis,,always will, and Shell I love ya too as my sis..always Judy
6 days ago